The Story Bouncer

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(link also in the menu above)

Do you ever feel like you need someone to bounce ideas off of? I can be your sounding board as you develop your story, giving you feedback. Sometimes, we, as writers, become too involved with our own characters and our own story that it can be hard to see it objectively. That is when a fresh set of eyes can help!

what I can do

  • Help with clarification. Is what you’re trying to convey clear?
  • Give a second opinion on wording.
  • Help you incorporate your “light-bulb” ideas into your manuscript.
  • See things a reader. It’s easy to forget a reader isn’t inside our head, picking out those important details that make all the difference.

how it works

I am there in the way you need me to be. Maybe it’s a scene, maybe a chapter, maybe the whole project. A week for a few scenes or chapters, a month for more. A month or longer for other chunks. When you order this service, I will be available for you to contact an unlimited amount for the duration of the contracted time.

Communication can be by text, email, phone, or Facebook IM.


 This is NOT an editing service.


  • By the project:  $100  (6 months or less)
  • By the month (30 days):  $20
  • By the week:  $10