Additional Services Order Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Services *blurb: $25blurb tweaking: $10legal fact-checking: $45+military fact-checking: $45+The Story Bouncer (project): $100The Story Bouncer (month): $20The Story Bouncer (week): $10The Story Notebook: $100+Foundation Media Kit (new): $30Foundation Media Kit (updates): $3Sell Sheets: $20When do you anticipate being ready for services? *approximate dateDo you have a deadline? *yesnoNote: An additional fee of $50 may apply to fast turnarounds.What is your required deadline?dateAnything else?By submitting this form, I certify that I am the author of the material under consideration and own all rights, or have been given the rights, to this material. *I agree.Submit